Learn about Reverse ETL

Alec Moloney  

Snowplow customers can access Reverse ETL (rETL) capabilities through our Census-powered platform, available as an add-on to your existing subscription. Sync data from your warehouse to destinations such as marketing and analytics tools.

Census can be accessed in the next URL: https://app.getcensus.com/workspaces/63161/ 



The following features are available through our rETL solution.


Sources & Datasets

Connect to your warehouse and other data destinations including:

  • BigQuery
  • Databricks
  • Redshift
  • S3
  • Snowflake

Apply additional transformations by creating custom Datasets.



Create destinations to send your data to. We support a range of destinations including:

  • Amplitude
  • Braze
  • Google Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Campaign Manager 360
  • Mixpanel



Set up a sync to batch load data and events to your destinations. Grab data directly from a Source or Dataset. Have complete control over when and how syncs run, and stay in-the-know with configurable alerting and email notifications.


Segments (Audience Hub)

Organise your audience by Segments, filter your syncs, and observe experiment results. Segments are a powerful tool that can help you A/B test and refine your overall sync volumes.


Learn more

Find out more about Reverse ETL on the Snowplow Docs.

Learn about Snowplow + rETL