Getting Started with Snowplow Support

Alec Moloney  

This article describes a feature or service available to Snowplow customers.

Our Support team is here 24x7 to provide you with product expertise and in-the-moment assistance throughout your journey with Snowplow, from event tracking design through to ongoing pipeline optimisation and beyond.

We are here for you in critical moments, or when you just have a question and can’t find the answer. We’ll work with you to understand your needs and help you drive the best value to your business from your Snowplow data. We’re here, too, to keep your pipeline running, your data quality high and your data set complete and current.


Scope of Snowplow Support

Our SLA commitments and other entitlements are laid out in our Snowplow Service Levels document. The full scope of our support service, and more details of how we work with you can be found in our Statement of Support.


Getting Help

There are three primary ways to contact Snowplow Support.

Help Center
Slack By Prior Arrangement


You’ll receive notifications by email when a support ticket has been updated, and also when the status changes. Whichever method you use to update support tickets (by email reply, Slack, or leaving responses in the Help Center), all activity is recorded in the ticket. You can view and manage all your tickets in the Help Center at any time.

Inbound phone calls are not currently offered as a support channel, however, we may proactively schedule calls with you to troubleshoot complex issues.


Best Practices

We will always do our very best to get you fast, accurate answers to your questions, and resolve any issues with your data or pipeline. That said, here are a few things you can do to help us get you the result you need as quickly as possible:

  • Submit your requests through the Help Center, directly via email, or on Slack, rather than contacting other teams or folks within Snowplow using another method. We’re all here to help, but the fastest route to Support is the direct one.
  • Provide as much detail as you can when you log a case. Let us know what you’ve tried, what the end goal is, and any other context you can. Let us know if anything has changed. Give us any errors that you see, or describe any unexpected behaviours. Provide any code that you think is relevant right when you log the case.
  • Log a single issue in each ticket. If a conversation runs from one issue or question to another, it quickly gets difficult to track the priority, problem and status. It helps us to prioritise your request, and get you the most accurate and appropriate response, if we can track and work on each of those issues or questions separately. That’s why we’ll always work with you to capture a new ticket for each issue.


Helpful Resources

We know our product and technology stack is a complex one. Nonetheless, if you have time, we’d love you to check out our Snowplow Docs and the Help Center here to see if any of our existing resources can answer your question. If not, please let us know! We’re continually improving our documentation and we’ll be sure to take your feedback on board.

Whatever happens, we’re here to help. Whether you have questions about enrichments or custom events, need help with trackers, or your event data isn’t behaving as you’d expect, don’t hesitate to reach out.